TEAM USA Over 60 World Cup 2022 – DAY 0

Many decades ago, Nick Fury created SHIELD to be prepared for any global threat and to be able lean on super heroes for help. In a parallel universe in 2021, Parak Ananta Fury created a Shield of the USA Masters Cricket because he foresaw the cricket threat that the USA...

Masters West VS Masters East Central – April 11 2021

The last day of the inaugural Masters Cricket championship has interesting double-headers.  If West won, they would be the unbeaten champions.  However if East Central and the South won their respective games, the championship would be decided not he basis of NRR.  It was with this backdrop that the first...

Masters South VS Masters West- April 10 2021

This was the first game of the 2nd day of the Masters featuring the two winners from the previous day on the main Moosa stadium ground.  This was billed as the championship game of the tournament featuring a very strong batting lineup from the West against possibly the best bowling...

Masters East Central VS Masters North April 10 2021

On the first day of the tournament, both teams had contrasting days in the field, and it was the 2nd day in a row that East Central was playing at the Balquees ground.  It was also a toss both teams would have been happy to lose.  North called right and...